--- title: Bloominglabs Board Meeting created: 2024-06-04 author: Kyle Dirrim --- #### Start at 1910 ## I. Roll Call - Calob - Kyle - Nathan - Apple - Kevin ## II. Old Business A. Continuances from last meeting 1. Sand Blasting Cabinet a. Ian is messaged b. Ian "I don't know, man." 2. Bike Rack a. Permission to install secured b. Options are looked at 3. Fire safety report a. extinguishers measured, wall plates installed, ceiling tiles fixed b. scheduled for June 12 B. Google for non-profits 1. set up, on dev system ## III. New Business A. Social Media 1. Social media captain? 2. Better pictures of the space? 3. Board meeting on the calendar? B. Indiana Oxygen 1. New bill 2. Nathan will deal with this C. CISA warns about edge routers 1. Our router is aged, insecure 2. Kevin has replacement and plan 3. remember to make Mark aware D. Leaf guards for the gutters 1. Pete and Nathan have some E. Battelle donates $200! F. Cameras in the space 1. 3d printer monitoring? 2. Laser cutter monitoring? 3. Outdoor, no microphones? 4. Inside the space? a. decisive no 5. motion detector, no camera, in the electronics lab 6. Get the toilet flush sensor running again? ## IV. Open Floor ## V. Adjournment @ 1952