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** Julia Crawley, 6792 Erika Lane, Nashville IN, 47448 - 812-988-8677
** Julia Crawley, 6792 Erika Lane, Nashville IN, 47448 - 812-988-8677
* Misc radio / electronics parts
** Extremelabs, Inc, 115 N. College Av Suite 212, Bloomington IN, 317-250-4646
* Lincoln Arc Welder, Craftsman floor standing drill press, Sun timing light/tuneup kit
** Robert Ping, 3420 E. Bethel Ln, Bloomington IN, 47408, 812-345-1065

Revision as of 20:19, 4 September 2013

This is a list of things we've received as tax deductible hardware (in-kind).

  • Gardner Portable Glossmeter - Valued at $50
    • Julia Crawley, 6792 Erika Lane, Nashville IN, 47448 - 812-988-8677
  • Misc radio / electronics parts
    • Extremelabs, Inc, 115 N. College Av Suite 212, Bloomington IN, 317-250-4646
  • Lincoln Arc Welder, Craftsman floor standing drill press, Sun timing light/tuneup kit
    • Robert Ping, 3420 E. Bethel Ln, Bloomington IN, 47408, 812-345-1065
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