
From Bloominglabs
Revision as of 17:00, 15 December 2016 by Dosman (Talk | contribs)

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Our non-profit status

Our full name is "Bloominglabs Incorporated" and we are a charitable non-profit incorporated within the State of Indiana. We have 501(c)3 status through the IRS which can be confirmed with this link.

How we process monetary donations

We can directly receive cash donations and issue tax-deductible receipts.

(Please note that membership dues are NOT tax deductible and should not be sent as a donation or sent to the School Factory, we receive those directly.)

Donations by check:

  • Checks and money orders must be made out to "Bloominglabs Incorporated"
  • If sending by mail, please use our P.O. box listed on our Location page.

Donations by PayPal:

We have a PayPal button for donations using that method, add a link for that soon...

  • Donors may choose to identify the purpose of the donation somewhere in the system
    • Ex: Does the donor expect their donation to be used for a specific event or purpose? If so, they need to note that somewhere in the system.
  • PayPal takes 2-3% off the top of all donations it processes online

How we process hardware donations

We can take in-kind hardware donations and issue tax deductible receipts.It is also important to note here that we need to be selective now, that is to say that we should not accept any more busted inkjet printers and the like. However working tools and useful donations are accepted. Paper donation forms are kept on a clip-board near the main entry way.

  • The donor must determine a reasonable and appropriate value for the item
  • Suggestions: Check or for similar items
  • Account for the age of the item when determining its value
  • Give the donor the receipt, Bloominglabs retains the carbon-copy

Keeping Track

For all donations of hardware (in-kind) please add the item and the donators info on this page: Donated Items.

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