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In April 2015 we revieved a Uniden 996T Digital Scanner on long-term loan by a very generous member of the public. This is a top end scanner that can receive the P25 digital mode used by our local emergency services and elsewhere across our state. We have an Icecast server to stream a feed from this radio so members can listen in remotely.


If for some reason the scanner icecast feed goes down this is how to toubleshoot it.

  • First, verify the scanner is turned on. It should start scanning immediately after it's powered on, if not then make that happen.
  • Once it's scanning it should periodically output some audio.
    • If there's no audio, make sure the volume knob hasen't been turned down.
    • If there's audio coming directly out of the scanner then the audio output cable may have been unplugged, verify the audio cable on the back of the scanner is plugged into the audio line output.
  • The recording output on the scanner feeds into an AG150 for the stream (attached to the bottom of the shelf above the scanner)
    • The IP of the AG150 is labled on it for easy access.
    • If the mic input level gets messed up on the AG150 use alsamixer to set the mic input level back to about 20%.
  • Additionally, there is another component that updates the stream name. The scanner has a serial output which is connected the the AG150. There is a script on the host that reads this and updates the icecast server.
  • The last leg is a port forward from the Linksys router from TCP port 8000 to port 8000 on the AG150.
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