2015-06-03 meeting minutes

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Quorom: Achieved



501c3 status and what that means for us

past gifts are tax deductable, NOT DUES

Register with IN, get tax id number

Discuss severing ties to the School Factory

They Suck. Daniel

Take 10% of our money -Jenett

Monetary Mistakes in the past

Jennett knows more tax law than they do

Quarterly reporting Nathan

Treasurers report

Financial status, discuss a process for spending surplus dues money

  • $1015, as of paying june rent, ~$1300, including paypal

Priority of 3 months operating expenses(~$1400 monthly)

  • will write into the bylaws(?), unlikely

quarterly financial discussions on how to spend excess money

Switchyard Park and what that means for how long we can stay here

John says it is funded, a while before construction. Redovelopement commision appropriates money, plans needed for adjacent properties.

Mick says dec of 2016 before construction, will inform designer of these buildings to hold off demolition as long as possible.

There is now a gap in the fence.

July 4th parade - is there any interest?

Applications due by June 15th

~1 hour parade, a float with people on or walking alongside

Possible handouts: wooden nickels, good for 5 minutes of laser time

ticker tape, glitter cannon, Makevention cards,foam cannon, pyrotechnics, smoke grenades(saltpeter and sugar), sound limits(?)

Painting logo on our building – Allen?

No Advertisements

Logo on the side of the building, old sign over the door

  • clean the building first, mask at night, use oil based paint
  • schedule before it gets too hot, mid june

Upcoming workshops with other groups

June 9, 16, 23: Python Workshops

  • stratified skill levels: basic, comfortable, advanced

June 6-7: Art Walkabout

  • Adam Nahas, Mark Cheeta will be open

June 21: Wonderlabs Ham Radio Day

  • 1-4 pm

June 24 + 25: Wondercamp circuit bending

  • afternoon, 1-3 pm
  • Jenett leading, volunteers welcome

June 27th: Circuit bending workshop

  • Jenett

July 18th: Wiimote hacking

July 7, 14, 21: Python & Arduino Hack Night

  • Steve is out of town on the 14
  • at the library, sponsered by blabs

August 22: Resale Trail

  • at the warehouse
  • B-labs Flee Market
  • will be on their advertising
  • something near the road(windsock)

Car lift

Space constrained

Set up along the back wall

  • would we keep the space clear
  • short wall/cabinets, or rope off area

space is currently poorly allocated

  • woodshop area needs staging grounds
  • more shelving
  • more storage on wheels

Move the wood tools nearer to the garage door

  • would be easier to sweep up dust


  • floor is sealed
  • public comes through


  • Certification
  • removable arms mitigate tripping hazard
  • hydraulics and interlock system
  • "considerably safer than jack stands" - adam
  • Children need to be watched

Needs 4" deep floors

  • our floors are unknown depth
  • If floors crack when we put up cars, will need cement footings

Will come back to this in several weeks

Members temporarily suspending memberships, how do we want to handle this?

Members have asked to suspend membership


  • vote back in
  • reregistration fee
  • minimum duration (3 months?)
  • only allowed on starving hacker memberships, & only over the summer (students)
  • one month memberships at a higher rate


Seperate from The School Factory

  • Unanimous in seperation
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