2015-07-22 meeting notes
From Bloominglabs
In attendence: Jenett, Nathan, Alan, Vic, Hans, Kyle, Zach, Chris Dadds, Neal, Daniel, Nick, Joey, Derek -left early, Apple
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BLabs Expansion
3 buidlings
- 2 58'x19', 1 500 square feet with refridgerator/bathroom(?)
1 space for $600/month
- 15 members @ $40/month for rent
- more for electricity
- 42 members currently
- 6 pay starving hacker rate
Lease terms?
- city may want same as current terms
- 5 year lease, 6 month prior notice to lease termination
- with countinuing 3 month contingencies
Adam Nahaus may rent entire space and sublet to us or let us use it without formalities
We could max out at 50 members -Vic
worries of crap congestion
- have a 6 month contingency
- have adam nahaus as a contingent renter
appoint a building steward
- alan nominated by derek
- derek nominated by jenett, alan seconded
- rent: 1050
- electricity: 120
- gas: 20 - ?
- internet: 70
- insurance: 60 - 700/year
- total 1320
- divided by 40
- equals 33
- 6 extra members bringing in $240/month extra
- wheels, so as to roll
- parking in a storage area
Rule Clarification
- "Don't be a Dick" meaning?
- clean up after yourself
- ask permission to use others things
- rule is actually "Be Excellent to Each Other"
- signs?
- Communicate better?
- leave the space better
- talk to people
- make others aware
- community guidelines
- Noisebridge, for example
- london hackerspace, for unexample-scroll to guides and rules
- new member packet
- Members must take their stuff with them
- member storage space
- shelves auctioned from next door
- minimizing stationary horizontal areas
- More professional the space looks, the more potential members can see themselves working here -Vic
people are willing to lend tools, but not leave them -Nick & Chris
Chris Dadds
with unlimited access to space next door, chris will up monthly dues by ~$200 and bring woodworking shop
Jenett's C class
- $50 member price
- $125 nonmember price
- in the fall after Makevention
classroom in the new space
do we do enough classes to make that worthwhile
- Jenett's C class
- workshops
- could have a continuous schedule, not bursts -daniel
Special interest groups
QR codes exist -Nathan
Trailer is available to all BLabs members -Neal